The Unofficial Home Page

Solar Quest, also known as George "BenKei" Saunders, is a name that is not widely known even though many people think there is no better acid or ambient music on this planet than that Solar Quest makes. To help this situation I have made these pages to gather information about Solar Quest and to attract people to expand their knowledge on Solar Quest and music in general.

On these pages you can find an incomplete list of releases by Solar Quest, thanks to many contributors, and also an incomplete list of known compilations containing tracks by Solar Quest. If you know something that might be of help in completing these lists, please contact me.

28-Mar-2005: Lots of updates, new pages etc. Check them out!
29-Feb-2003: This site has moved to
14-Nov-2001: Added own page for Acid Air Raid.
22-Dec-2000: Added own page for One Nation and Acid Crumble pts 1+2.
23-Nov-2000: Added own page for Entropica: Sonic Bloom Entropica Profilica amd Choci / Solar Quest: Bombay Aloo / Acid Air Raid Rmx.
7-Apr-2000: Added own page for Orgisms (and an entry to Releases).
17-Nov-1999: Added own page for Acid Air Raid (Silent Breed Remix).
12-Nov-1999: Updated just about everything. Added own pages for Alan Parsons: Apollo (Remixed by Solar Quest), corrected the Releases page, added Remixes & Entropica releases & unofficial, added some compilations, added a link to Choci's Chewns...
4-Sep-1999: These pages now support Style Sheets which makes the pages lighter and easier to update. Users of older browsers can still view the pages although not every detail is as fancy as when using a more recent version. Along with this update, I cleaned up the Releases page and fixed many errors. Disclaimer added, just in case. I also added two pages, Solar Quest vs. Choci and Space Pirates. I am also going to update this list whenever any update happens.

Thanks to George and Mel of Solar Quest, Sven Kössler, Thorsten, Rat-Box, Tatu Vuolteenaho, Juhani Nokela, Michael Schubert and many anonymous contributors. If you know or have a record by Solar Quest or a compilation containing Solar Quest tracks that is not in these lists, please contact me.

These pages are maintained by Mikko Tuomela.

Disclaimer: These pages are not sponsored or endorsed by Solar Quest. Solar Quest has their own official web page and this page is very unofficial and only reflects personal interest.